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The Lion and The Sheep

January 5th, by Jared Lewin

The Lion is strong, vicious, defensive, and fierce. Lions typically live in prides comprised of a majority of females and cubs, with only a small handful of male lions to defend against predators. Lions hunt incessantly, never stopping until satisfied with the result. The Lion leads the pack; he never follows. We must be Lions. Far too often in our Western world, individuals have resorted to sheep-hood: that is, the state of being coerced, being told what to do, and allowing others to decide our fate. Undoubtedly, sheep-hood is easier. Humans, like many animals, yet unlike the Lion, search for a reliable entity to absolve ourselves of responsibility in return for that which we desire. We must not trade freedom for comfort, boldness for safety, or courage for cowardice. Once we resort to sheep-hood, the hyenas hiding in their sheepskin will pounce, swiftly taking control and decimating the sheep we have become. We must stand strong, stand for what we believe in, and stand for what is right. The Lion doesn't back down into a corner when another Lion challenges him, rather he fights. He proves himself, time and time again. He doesn't let authority intimidate him. He doesn't abandon his pride because he is duped by the hyenas. No. The Lion is sharp, intelligent, and strategic with his leadership. We cannot resort to being sheep. But what happens if we all become sheep? Take a look around. The average American is overweight, spends the majority of their day doing a monotonous chore only to receive the drug of money disguised as a salary, and goes home to sorrow, loneliness, or repetition of unending tedium. Constantly stumbling through the smokescreen of addiction to alcohol, drugs, wealth, and promiscuity, we are given a temporary high through all the wrong avenues, only to be stranded at a level of melancholy even greater than before. Sheep perform the same tasks, the same routine, and the same actions day after day as a result of the coercion that is being dispersed by the government, super-corporations, and authoritarians through the posts of school boards, company boards, and "experts." Unfortunately, this is more visible now than ever, in part due to the excessive use of devices, especially smartphones. Merely glance at the tables surrounding you at a restaurant and you will see a plethora of sheep whose eyes are glued to their devices, including children. We are pacified by social media, meaningless content, and addictive algorithms while subsequently ignoring the realities of life. Technology is only one small slice of the pie that defines sheep. The sheep are indifferent to the simultaneously disappointing and gratifying realities of our world. The Lion embraces those realities through utilizing gratitude and fearlessness. Unfortunately, a large portion of our society are sheep. There is little hope for them. As Mark Twain astutely wrote, "It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." Many individuals have been greatly fooled. But conversely, many Lions are out there resting dormant. The small handful of Lions that are awake must roar loud enough to wake the sleeping Lions, to scare off the hyenas, and to create a better world for the sheep. Will you be subjected to the unhealthy, uncompromising, destructive nature of the hyenas that destine for you to remain in a sheep-like state? Or will you be brave, stand strong, and inspire courage to yourself and those around you? The choice is yours.

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