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Home / Lion Spotlight: The Kid in Naples

Lion Spotlight: The Kid in Naples

January 5th, by Jared Lewin

When I was filming the AFLDS Actual Factual series in Naples, Florida, I searched for people on the street to interview. I came across a family, and I asked if they were up for some questions and wanted to be in the video. The response was a quick no all around. The ten-year-old son was the only one of the bunch that said yes, but they kept walking. A few minutes later, the boy broke away from his family and ran back to me to do the interview even though his family said no. This is an example of bravery and independence. The kid saw the opportunity to be on camera with me, and he took it despite what his family said. As we were doing the interview, his family came back to us to watch and cheered the boy on. That encounter tells me what kind of person he is. He looks for opportunities without letting the unknown scare him. He is a free thinker and will always have his own conclusions on things he hears throughout his life.

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